ChäoS;HEAd NoAH & ChäoS;Child Double Pack

Vanaf: 25,99

ChäoS Double Pack

The ChäoS series finally arrives on Nintendo Switch with this 2-games-in-1 double pack!

ChäoS;HEAd NoAH - Play as Takumi and use your "Delusion" to find the truth about a serial murder case called “New Generation Madness". Your delusion will change the endings!

ChäoS;Child - Play as Takuru and explore Shibuya in 2015, after an earthquake nearly levelled the city six years prior, and try to outsmart the puppet-master behind this New Generation Madness.

  • Two delusions become one. Enjoy both Delusional Science Adventure Series in one cartridge!
  • Both games feature branching paths and multiple endings. Where will your delusion take you?
  • ChäoS;HEAd NoAH and opening movies have been remastered in HD, including all the new songs made during the original ChäoS;HEAd NoAH port.
  • Includes Japanese and English text and original Japanese in-game voice.


€ 25,99 Bekijk